So a few things. Today is the one week anniversary of this blog--HOORAY! Secondly, a few things I loathe: running errands, my phone, canceling plans with friends. Fortunately, this rainy day semi-improved starting around 1 pm. I made a trip to the library and checked out some classics Funny Face, Casablanca, and BBC's Persuasion. Also around one, Meryl offered the most delicious plan ever! Inception tonight at Studio Grill or whatever its called. Basically eating dinner while watching a movie on the silver screen. Revolutionary. I know.
I like to pretend I'm in latin america sometimes, preferably antigua. This is my window :)
I LOVEDDD watching Casablanca. Totally unpredictable and lorddd, old movie stars were just so classyyy. Update later on Inception and my time with Meryl who I have missed dearlyy