I'm setting down some ground rules for the best year yet.
1. Invite people into my home and life.
2. Schedule time for spontaneity.
3. Unplug and get outdoors. Inhale and exhale.
4. Be present on public transportation.
5. Make time to go sit in random places.
6. Listen to tangible music.
7. Be conscious of consumerism.
8. Work with what you already have.
9. Say hello to Texas friends, and friends near and far.
10. Walk along the water mindfully.
11. Keep meeting strangers and hearing stories.
12. Pursue creativity.
13. Get out of town.
14. More pillows and salsa and snail mail.
15. Cook with friends and savor dinner.
16. Set your intention for the day.
17. Lift up others, serve others.
18. Pray for this community.
19. Drive with the windows down.
20. Always appreciate time with good, smart friends.
21. Don't answer work emails on the weekend. Take a true Sabbath.
22. Eat more good foods.
23. Find ways to care for my family from afar.
Kaity joined me on the couch and helped me brainstorm some of these goals. She pushed and stretched my thoughts—"that's too vague, Vic... that's not a goal"—until we finally reached magic number 23. So, why these goals then?
Invite people into my home and life. — I think we have a very special home, Kaity, Melinda and I. Who can call a place a home after just mere weeks? But truly, I look forward to coming home from work to sit in this place with these people, opening bay windows, cleaning dishes, sharing stories. I need to invite people into this home and community.
Unplug and get outdoors. Inhale and exhale. — On a recent trip out of the city to Mount Tam and Stinson Beach, I was reminded of sweet smelling air. I think we forget our sense of smell sometimes unless we're looking for it..a scent, or something overwhelms us. Mmm but fresh air can be so good. That change can be so good, too.
Be present on public transportation. — Because I really do not have anything more important on my phone than the people sitting around me.
Listen to tangible music. — With my job especially, I am plugged in all. day. long. Spotify, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Email, you name it. So when I get home, I need to unplug. Really, my brain is melting. Unplug unplug unplug now now now. But I still like music and I've added a record player and some scratchy vinyls to the ambience. It is more tangible.
Keep meeting strangers and hearing stories. — Stories might be the most important thing in my life, and I miss focusing on this.
More pillows and salsa and snail mail. — Hold tight to those things you love. Self-explanatory.
Set your intention for the day. — I have a homepage that asks, "What is your main focus for today?" It's about setting your intention, your hopes and your goals and your attitude.
Eat more good foods. — Oh, and it's all good food out here.
Find ways to care for my family from afar. — Hello, family. I miss you much. See you at Thanksgiving.