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Middlemarch Lacrosse

There are about 800 pages in George Eliot's Middlemarch, but it feels as if there are 2,179,487,583,921 pages. Two trillion, one hundred and seventy-nine billion, four hundred and eighty-seven million, five hundred and eighty-three thousand, nine hundred and twenty one....
Noooo I'm not procrastinating....I'm merely taking a break.

Here are pictures from this weekend and a few favorite quotes from Middlemarch (so far).

Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seemed to be thrown into relief by poor dress.
Riding was an indulgence which she allowed herslf in spite of conscientious qualms; she felt that she enjoyed it in a pagan sensuous way, and always looked forward to renouncing it.
"All the better. I supposed you admire a man with the complexion of a cochon de lait."
And his feelings too, his whole experience--what a lake compared with my little pool!
But in this order of experience I am still young, and in looking forward to an unfavorable possibility I cannot but feel that resignation to solitude will be more difficult after the temporary illumination of hope.
...but pride only helps us to be generous; it never makes us so, any more than vanity makes us witty.

We know what a masquerade all development is, and what effective shapes may be disguised in helpless embryos.--In fact, the world is full of hopeful analogies and handsome dubious eggs called possibilities.
Among all forms of mistakes, prophecy is the most gratuitous.

The first few pictures are from a lacrosse camp at my brother's school and the final two are from the Micah Project Dessert Party that took place last night. It was so wonderful to see Michael Miller (head of Micah), as well as Jenna & Izzy, Olvin & Oscar!
NOTE: These pictures disappeared :( :(

Anyways, I'm done procrasinating with my break and so now I return to my brick of a novel, sinking into my regal green chair, resting my feet on a stack of collected yellow national geographic magazines. Oh how I just want some apple cider and to watch a movie. Or even to be down in Honduras with my Micah friends...
OR BACK AT SCHOOL (surprisingly!)
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