Social Media

Ideal Job Title

In applying to graduate, I must fill out an online graduation registration form. It seemed pretty straight forward until the UT form asks: "What kind of job are you seeking? In other words, what would be your ideal job title?"


I think this is the answer I most want to know myself. My parents as well. And relatives. Oh yes, winter holidays and family reunions were a real thrill.
"So what are you planning to do after you graduate?"
"Your mother said you turned down a teaching job...why?"
"What's your major again?....And what do you plan to do with that?"

But UT, why must I answer this NOW. With several MONTHS to go. Do you want to print this is the graduation brochure? Then I can think of plenty of occupations that would make my parents blush, fellow classmates giggle. Like lion tamer. Or professional Madonna impersonator. What did you have in mind?

By the time I come up with an appropriate job title, I think the site will log me out. Then I will never graduate. Then never amount to anything with my fabulous degree from the University of Texas, my double major in Plan II Honors and History, and my minor in Art History, and my business foundations certificate. Well, darn.

I guess I should just put something...anything down.
How about...
student of the world? (Maddie is fond of this title)
creative director?
unemployable? (maybe that's just an adjective...)

Or maybe I should completely fabricate something outrageous...
Ideal Job Title - Madame President....Or not.

This dude stole my job title. This dude's job title is Chief World Explorer. Shucks.

10 minutes later, and I still have nothing tangible. I even looked at the top 10 best jobs in the world as noted by US News, but I don't think software developer, dentist, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, or physical therapist will qualify. #27: Massage Therapist. #36: Substance Abuse Counselor. #61: Exterminator (seems perfect for me). #100: Painter. US have provided no real life direction for me. BuzzFeed lists seem more effective, and colorful in the very least.

5 more minutes have passed and I am not one step closer to answering this question.

Dear University of Texas,

I am seeking a job that I truly enjoy. A job that is about more than a paycheck. That allows me to help others. That allows me to travel. That allows me to be creative. That is stimulating. That is rich with new acquaintances. That involves brainstorming. That involves social media because I dig social media. That may be located in Colorado or New York or anywhere really, but I don't have to live at home with my parents.

Texas, I could list a million other ideal qualities that I would like to find in my future job. But maybe I should settle for a job...period. Any job.

Alas, I need an answer. The site demands one. (I tried to skip to the next page). Other tasks and homeworks insist my attention.

Okay, I will just pick one at random from my list of "Career Possibilities for ENTPs" and my list of "Career Possibilities for ENFPs" (since I'm both)
  • journalist
  • television producer
  • exhibit designer
  • public relations specialist
  • publicist
  • anthropologist
  • consultant
  • restaurateur
  • environmental lawyer
  • coach (haha)
  • entrepreneur
  • photographer
  • inventor
  • literary agent
  • attorney
  • ombudsman (ooh)
  • marketing researcher
  • strategic planner
  • politician
  • detective

"It has been more than thirty minutes since your last transaction. Please log in again."
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