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No Encore

These SXSW photos need to stop. They just sit on my laptop, or really on the external hard drive due to large file size and the multitude, and serve as a constant reminder: "you need to blog," "you need to update your portfolio," "you need to pick up your sxsw flashdrive," "you need to edit and blog all those other non south by photos."

Enough is enough. Here is hodge podge last look of my South by Southwest photos of 2013.

IMG_2072 IMG_2235 IMG_2186IMG_2187 IMG_2188 IMG_2175 IMG_3091IMG_2663IMG_2883 IMG_2343 IMG_2722IMG_2891 IMG_3215IMG_3382 IMG_3419 IMG_3539 IMG_3754 IMG_3828IMG_3839 IMG_3845IMG_3850 IMG_3948 IMG_3987IMG_4049 IMG_4191IMG_4162IMG_4199 IMG_4306 IMG_4307IMG_4308 IMG_4314 IMG_4341IMG_4349 IMG_4453 IMG_6698 IMG_6626IMG_6822 IMG_6629 IMG_7101 IMG_6959IMG_7165 IMG_6850IMG_7183 IMG_7487 IMG_7303IMG_7463 IMG_7232IMG_7402 IMG_7579 IMG_7541IMG_7507IMG_7543 IMG_7701IMG_7736 IMG_7668

Oh and that last night...the Night of 17 Rappers. Let's choose not to relive that. Ever. Again.

Now don't get me wrong. I really value all the photos I took during SXSW, and I value the experience so incredibly much. I learned a lot during the seven days of shooting. I learned how to use my new Canon, I learned that age doesn't make one photographer better or worse, and that the same applies to equipment. Interactive panels are boring. It's okay for a sixty-five year old rock singer to spit on you. Make friends with experienced photographers in the VIP line, they may share a wealth of knowledge and watch over you during mosh pits. Keep your camera lens off while on the streets to capture street scenes. Run up to bar and restaurant balconies for a different perspective. A press pass has magic powers. Also keep a rain jacket, extra batteries and CF cards, and "snackies" in your bag. Always be open to learning. Never judge your photos until the next day. If the lighting sucks, shoot RAW baby, RAW. And most importantly, when you wake up and take a photo, alas you are a true photographer that day.

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