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There is a little facebook group of swell people who appreciate adventures, behaving whimsy-ily, and enjoy shenanigans.


Ever had the most amazing, spontaneous dream or adventure idea? You were thrilled, you were brilliant and you were ready to go. But then, maybe this thought was dashed. Perhaps you couldn't find an accomplice to your plan or a willing victim to endure whatever scheme you cooked up. Well this group hopes to foster future shenanigans and insure their success.

Let's have a party this year and go on numerous odysseys. Let's meet new people and love each other. Let's camp out, call random strangers, dress in silly outfits, and really live life.


1. .... 2. Anyone can be added to this group provided that they have an adventurous spirit. Upon addition, they must submit an adventure idea.
3. Try not to flake if you say you are going to attend. Flakiness is disheartening.
4. HYDRATE on your adventures. But note: hydrotoxicity is a real thing (see Jacqueline Murchison)
5. If an adventure is a failure (that will never happen), but say rain cancels an odyssey or someone catastrophically breaks a thumb, the adventure can be redeemed with a trip to Mags.
6. In route to the adventure, you must play good music. Must. For ideas about what is good music, feel free to ask around.
7. Geoff Crisanti says you can't have girlfriends. This rule is iffy.
8. The shenanigans suggested can range in output levels...meaning sloth-like activities like Harry Potter movie marathons and camp fires, or komodo dragon style adventures like climbing mountains, avoiding hot magma, insane food competitions. Komodo Dragon.
9. Loving a stranger during your adventure gives you +20 super shenanigan points. That's a good thing.
10. Dressing in costume during your adventure gives you +45 super shenanigan points. Must have photographic evidence.

So for Labor Day, 18 of us ventured out.
We left Sunday night, shot the chute on the Comal river, midnight run to Whataburger, watched the movie Hot Rod, sleepover party, woke up with donuts, played in the lake, soared from great heights, swam to secret places, dined at the idyllic Gristmill.
Conclusion: Great Success.

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