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Merry Little Christmas

Andy Williams knew what he was talking about when he composed the popular, and ever-so-catchy song "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." For all you cynics out there, please please please name a holiday/season that brings more people together worldwide? Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, matter what you call it, it is a time of people really coming together to share and give and laugh and have joy. Anyways, enough preaching by me...

nothing says Merry Christmas like the christmas quilt gracing us with its presence

okay i have no real reason for liking this photo except for the lamp. silly yeahhh...

And now I attempt to photograph Christmas lights once more. Sorry if these are painful for you to view...hahah
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So this is probably the best decorated house in all of Houston that I have found, though I am sad to announce that I didn't venture over to the Heights or many other major neighborhoods. Nonetheless, nestled in Briar Grove Park (neighborhood) is this spectacle which you can see from several blocks away. The house caused quite a traffic jam but was WELL WORTH SEEING!
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almost passed up this picture because its not so great quality wise but gotta love the photo bomber. thanks kid, you look super cute

This year for Christmas, we decided to switch it up and celebrate at our new ranch. Let's get some things straight...
1) There is no stove or oven.
2) Cold air comes from a window unit. Warm air comes from a window unit (kinda), any of four wood burning fireplaces, any of five small candles, and two rotating heaters.
3) We are city people. To. The. Core.

So here we are, Christmas Eve, it is about four in the afternoon. Hunter and I are watching movies (we finally brought a television up to the one hundred and twenty plus year old ranch house) when the power goes out. It is raining outside, growing darker each minute due to storm clouds and the setting sun, and water droplets are entering down through the chimney (our only remaining source of heat). Well isn't this just lovely. Fortunately, repairmen come and attempt to fix the power, the blown transformer, or whatever. Long story short, from about 4 till about 9 that same evening, we were without power in Flatonia. We opened presents by firelight, candlelight, and flashlight. Luckily power returned. The next day we hosted my aunt, uncle and Nana. Tons of presents were opened; I have never seen more flannel gifted in my entire life.

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