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Burn Ban

Soooo I kind of took an unplanned hiatus from this blog. A lot has happened in the last two weeks, much to potentially blog about, BUT the pictures have been lacking and I just been unmotivated in regards to this blog. I had planned on a post about Christmas, a post about New Years resolutions, maybe a new project consisting of a photo a day for the whole year, or some experimental cooking posts. But despite the ideas and possibilities, I kept "blogging" listed last on my to-do list.

Now that I am back in Austin however, I feel as though I am ready to give up my two week hiatus. :) Thus, here are the remaining photos of 2011. And if I am going to admit to one new years resolution, it is to be productive and make the most of my time. Here's to 2012....adventures, friendships, successes and failures, memories and experiences.


December was a good month for Texas in that there was rain. After a seemingly endless drought, the loss of millions of trees, and record high temperatures all year long, Texas finally greeted water. The moist landscape allowed the burn ban to be lifted and finally, my father got to ignite his first burn pile.

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And it wouldn't be a blog post commemorating 2011 without some photos of cows.

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