As I try to adjust to my new fall schedule, Young Life events, sorority meetings, and required readings, my duty to this blog has been neglected. Apologies.
So for a quick recap:
I ordered some cheap camera attachments off of Amazon for like 8 and 10 dollars. The wide angle attachment turns my 35 mm into about a 20-something mm. I also got a macro attachment which is pretty unusual to work with. AND my gorilla pod just came in yesterday.
Morgan made a chocolate pie. Super Nomz.
For Labor Day, my mom drove up to Austin, kidnapped me and took me to our ranch. I know there have been a billion other posts about it. Annoying for you probably. Sorry bout it. The whole fame was reunited and we were supposed to drive down to Palacios, Texas from there in order to go fishing, but a small tropical storm (that didn't even come to Texas), messed up the whole gulf. Gee...thanks.At the ranch, we chilled, surveyed the brown landscape (SOS RAIN PLZ), watched movies like Schindler's List and The Patriot (heavy stuff), and ooh-ed and ahh-ed over Bella. Bella, our donkey, mistook my finger for a carrot over the weekend and bit me! My life is country.
Hunter also experimented with his new camera, a Canon Rebel. Don't even get me started on the whole Nikon vs. Canon debate. He knows I'm quite upset with him....
High Hill Festival
We also went to the High Hill Festival. I went last year too so it was kind of cool to compare the two experiences. Check it HURR.
I promise to be a bit more consistent with updates from here on out :) Stay tuned.